Take a selfie at all of the below stations and share your photos to our fiestas fridas facebook page with the #FridaSelfieCHallenge and be entered to win a Frida art package filled with arts and krafts from local vendors featuring Frida Kahlo.
1. 650 Beach St, San Francisco, Ca . Take a picture with the giant abstract Frida piece by Nicolas P Villareal
2. The Mexican Consulate, 532 Folsom St, San Francisco, Ca. Original artwork.
3. Frida's closet 3473 25th st, San Francisco, Ca. Take a selfie with the giant Frida mural by Twin Walls Muralists.
4. Luz de Luna, 3182 24th St, San Francisco, Ca. Take a selfie with Frida and pick up some Frida swag.
5. Precita Eyes, 2981 24th st, San Francisco, Ca. Take a selfie with or without Diego in this recreation of the wedding painting.
6. Mission Cultural Center, 2868 Mission St, Ca. Original Art work
7. Zuckerberg SF General Hospital New Lobby, 1001 Potrero Ave, San Francisco, Ca. Take a selfie with a Frida Original painting. Look for the portrait of Dr. Eloesser, Frida's personal doctor, painted by Frida in the main Lobby of SF General.
8. Alley Cat Books 3036 24th St San Francisco, Ca.
City Hall SF, Tax Assesors office, 1 Carlton B Goodlett Pl #190, San Francisco, Ca
Get an official copy of the 1940 Marriage certificate of Frida and Diego from SF City Hall for only $17 and your id. Fill out the form for December 8th 1940 using Diego Rivera as the search key. Frida and Diego's original signatures are on this document. A great gift for any Fridaphile.